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About The Department

It is the administration involved with all the construction and maintenance works of the university facilities. The main goal of our administration is to supervise the construction projects for its different sectors along with preparing the required designs and contractual documents and moving to the implementation and following up with maintenance of the facility. With maintaining coordination with different university administrations.  

The construction and maintenance department was named as the engineering department and its now one of five administrations of the office of the Assistant Secretery-Genral for Facilities Management.

المدينة الصحية


Our Services 

The Department  Provides.

Our Departments

The department has multiple tasks and functions applied one engineering system, starting with the designing section and according to the demands of the beneficiaries, the section designs the and plans for the buildings that need to be implemented or renewed, as well as preparing the required specifications.

Supervision Department

It is the department responsible for supervising over separate ...

Maintenance Department

It is the department responsible for all maintenance works thru its ...

Technical Office

It is the department involved in the preparation of the administration ...

Support Services

It is the department associated with the head of construction and ...

Contracts Department

It is the department responsible for the preparation of contractual ...

Follow-up Department

It is the department responsible with contacting and following up with ...

What’s New?

المدينة الصحية

مشاركة إدارة الأنشاءات والصيانة في فعالية إعتماد مدينة صباح السالم الجامعية كمدينة صحية


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